Legal Notice

Provider pursuant to § 5 of the German Digital Services Act (DSA)

Fine Science Tools GmbH
Vangerowstrasse 14
69115 Heidelberg

Tel.:         +49 6221 905050
Fax:         +49 6221 9050590

Mannheim District Court HRB 334671
Managing Director: Markus Gawenda
VAT-ID no.: DE811369242

Legal Notices

All data and information contained in our web pages have been carefully researched and checked by us. We assume no liability for correctness, completeness and topicality.

All information is intended solely for the information of visitors to our website. In addition, liability for intent and gross negligence is limited. Our website may also be linked to from another page via hyperlink without our co-operation. Fine Science Tools GmbH assumes no responsibility for images, content or affiliation of third-party websites.

Fine Science Tools GmbH reserves the right at any time to make changes or additions to the information provided. The structure and content of the website are copyright protected. Reproduction of content or data, especially the use of texts, parts of texts or images requires the prior written consent of Fine Science Tools GmbH.

Important legal notice regarding links on all pages of or

We have created links to other sites on the Internet. The following applies to all these links: Fine Science Tools GmbH makes a careful selection of links, however has no influence whatsoever on the content or design of the linked pages. Fine Science Tools GmbH assumes no responsibility for the content of websites to whose URL links in our pages refer. This declaration applies to all links on our pages and for the content of all pages to which the links refer. By judgement of 12 May 1998, Ref. 312 O 85/98, the District Court of Hamburg ruled that if necessary one shall have co-responsibility for the contents of the linked page when adding a link. This can be avoided only by expressly disassociating oneself from these contents.

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